Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What the hell is he talking about!?!?

OK, here is the deal. I want to read real life reviews of products, services, restaurants, beers, liquors and whatever else I can think of to review that aren’t written by pompous overbearing jackasses from Manhattan, Chicago or Los Angeles.
 I want someone to write reviews of products and establishments that I may actually consider buying or doing business with. I could give a rat’s ass if a $120.00 bottle of wine is good or not because there is no way in hell I am going to buy a $120.00 bottle of wine.
I want video reviews of products that are done by normal everyday people not models and/or actors. I want normal reasoning why a new song is great or stinks. I don’t want a lecture from some music professor talking about how overtones of the oboe overpowered the percussion section.
These don’t need to be long winded reviews; I don’t have time to read all that crap anyway. A few sentences will suffice. “The wine was nice it was medium dry and not overpoweringly to the point that my lips puckered up, and at a mere $9.25/bottle I highly recommend buying some to try for yourself.” I can live with a review like this. I don’t need to know that it had cherry undertones or that it was a little oaky.
So here it is a new blog for reviewing products and services. These reviews will be done by average people and written for average people. I hope you enjoy them.

Ed and friends